Big Hello’s from Rescue Rosie in Australia..
Hello to Barcley too…where are you now????
Here I am way over in Aussie land, in Lithgow, NSW, and boy wasn’t it COLD when I got here!!! (But its nice and warm now!)
Real brrrrrrrrrrr time…but I soon found out that Potchee…(he lets me call him that) is a warm Boston and feels nice…he knows I am ‘special’ and he sort of protects me…makes me feel safe and ‘at home’
And oh yes….Jean and her grandkids are good cuddlers too!!
It was soooooooooo exciting … I got brought off the plane and taken right to Potch and Jean’s front door…Had a bit of jetlag..not much though…. And then the next day I was there to see the Sydney 2000 Olympic torch relay which had already been on a thousands of miles trip…come RIGHT by ‘our’ front door…
Talk about heart stopping…it was such fun and Jean was even crying….I didn’t see why..but ahhhhh welll she was laughing too…
So I didn’t worry about her then…
(did I tell you that I like Potch?)
We went racing down to Elizabeth Park soon as the torch left Young Street…and then joined in all the celebrations there…
It was a good day for Lithgow…and Marjorie Jackson, the Lithgow Flash, was there too.. have to make sure you see the picture of her statue with me in the front…tee hee..I got in lots of photos that day!! J said it was cause I was a VIP…that’s okay eh?
I had a really nice time and though it was sometimes hard to understand the Aussie twang….I think I’ll get used to it…
(I reeally dooooooo love Potch)
he has a Ollie Angel pin on his harness! Just like I have on my tee shirt!!!
The next week I helped Potch and J and friends with heaps of gardening and tree pruning…
Don’t laugh…Jean said I was a ‘real help’ …but oh dear me…I do NOT like these gruesome spitfires…Potch just ignores them..but he is a big brave boy Boston…
(tee hee…don’t tell him…but I think I am in love with him…)
ahhhhhhhhhhh he is sooooo handsome….
My feet don’t worry me, they are getting much better now…I am spoiled so much and carried just about everywhere…but Boy I do love climbing…finding lots of good places here to climb…
J is always rescuing me…after she takes a photo …
Of course!!!
Potchee, J and I went for a long walk up the mountain near her place..took us three hours to go up and get back home …boy I got J. carried me..
There are some photos of us…hope you like them. Its called Hassans Walls Mountain…..
I do get homesick sometimes - but people over here love hearing my story and so I know that I am doing a good job for all the
Bostons that were mistreated like me and need really lovely
Humans to work hard for us and rescue us…
(and besides, there is my Potchee here too….sighhhhhh)
I get smiles and questions from people and feel
“ very ‘portant’ – ‘raising awareness’ “ – tee hee – guess if all the wonderful kind humans know what ‘raising awareness’ means…then I don’t really have to know eh? That’s what my friend Potchee said anyway…and you know…I would believe every little sound that he makes…
ahhhhhhhhhh love is soooooooo nice!!
We didn’t get tickets to the Olympics, but its been here in J’s house all the time on the tv thingo…and we have watched and cried and yelled and said “C’mon” and “GO you little beauty!” heaps of times….NOT just for Aussies either…there have been so many wonderful times to remember and learn from….its been very exciting and sad and beautiful and funny too…
J let me and Potchee sit up last night with her and we watched the Closing Ceremony….nice nice nice….wont forget that in a hurry!
Potchee told me that the Olympics brings out the bravery and courage in human beings and to watch and see why we can trust and love you sooooo much!! He reckons that if all the ones with the love and courage inside them get together, then the ‘baddies’ will be overcome!!! Cause Potchee reckons love is stronger than anything else!! (so I didn’t take my eyes off them…I would do anything for him!)
I am going to the ParaOlympics on the 29th October….there I will get a chance to see lots of humans racing and competing who have overcome huge obstacles in their lives.
Just like me! Thank you Barcers for letting me come here…and for saving me most of all..
Oh well…its dinner time here at the Collin’s home now..and I can hear J calling me…so I better shut her computer down now…
This is Rescue Rosie sending love and cuddles to all my homeland family and friends - I am really glad to be out of that place where I was before you found me…and oh oh oh…I nearly forgot…Jean asked me to say that she will be posting a basket from me very soon….
Hope you like the stuff I helped her pick out!..Did I tell you she got me a pretty little name badge…it says ‘Rose’ but she laughed cause it has a painting of a purple flower on it…NOT a rose!!…..its nice..It goes on my Barc tee shirt with my Ollie angel beside it…and I don’t mind that it doesn’t have a rose drawn there! (it should though…don’t you think? Potch does! Ahhhhh)
Bye from
Rescue Rosie….G’day mates….
Yipes… sorry…….Sposed to say that first…
Whats the goodbye words????? Yip yuipp?
OH P O T C H E E??????? Help!!!
Rescue Rosie saying “see ya mates…’ave a goodday!”