HI!!! I'm R.Rosie I'll be traveling to the continents for BARC and Rescue.
Hello, I am Rosalie,
But, please, you can call me Rosie, if you like…
I’m not very big…and I don’t look perfect. There was a time when I used to be scared of people too….unless I smelt food…then I would try to act brave …. Got more food that way…the big Boston in the cage near me taught me that....I wish I knew what happened to her……She was my friend…
I never used to like humans much…Now I do though…’cause I was adopted by the most beautiful lady on earth…so I think anyway…
BUT….sorry……I keep forgetting you don’t know what happened to me …do you??
I can’t remember much about being a pup, but, I think the people who had me first didn’t know what a lovely ‘inside’ of me I had ~ so they dumped me…but then these other people found me and decided they might as well ‘try me out and breed me’…so they could sell my babies!
I was important to them…for the money they would get…
Anyway they didn’t have much room in their backyard…so they couldn’t give us nice homes..(there were lots of dogs besides me…Poodles, Pugs and other Bostons) We all had these wire cages. Our feet became REALLY sore and our bottoms did too…it was hard, and we had babies all the time…I would have loved my babies ~ but didn’t keep them long…couldn’t feed them properly after awhile…so I never got to know them ….
It was sad…and I really didn’t like people much…
Then one day I had some babies that got me into trouble…they weren’t “right” or something. I knew they were sick, but I was very tired….and after that I wasn’t fed much any more and never exercised……and my feet? …well??
Oh dear…sorry…its not easy telling you this……sorry…
Soon, I was taken out of that cage and abandoned again!! I didn’t know where to go…or how to go anywhere ~ ‘cause it was hard to walk or stand ….I cried a lot.
But this big, lovely family called BARC found me…they didn’t put me back into a wire house…no way! They got me adopted…what a beautiful word that is… they sent me to my lovely lady who I live with now.
She took me to see this nice person called a ‘vet’ and all sorts of things happened ~
I‘m alright now! My legs won’t ever work too well ~ my feet will always be ‘funny’ and my tail bone is all wrong somehow…
But my heart is healed up and my tummy is always full and guess what? I am going to Australia and Canada and Germany to tell people about Barc and how they too can help.
Please don’t be sad for me, ‘cause my human Mom says “Rosie, you are beautiful.”
and that makes me H A P P Y!
Hope I see you on my travels!!!
(p.s. WHO is Barcley?)