We had the most exciting day at the Paralympics – we saw the Blind people play a game called Goal Ball…and we could hardly believe it…they are so marvelous…and it was so hard to stay really quiet…so they could hear the bells in the ball…wow…they stopped that ball really well and never ever ran into one another at all…
We watched the wheelchair races…and boy they really go fast and furious…its amazing to watch…
You should see the Javelin throwers….one one leg…running up and throwing their Javelins…on steel springs….we were so proud of them all…
The athletes were just so wonderful and waving to the crowds all the time…they were enjoying themselves too…
The relay races were magic…boy they can run! With only one leg or no arms…they just get on with it….it is unbeleivable how great it was to be there…
One of the most exciting things we watched was the last of the night…we ran all the way from the huge stadium over to the dome…where the Wheelchair Rugby was held….and it was the opposite to the Goal Ball with the blind people…cause in this one…everyone yelled and screamed and clapped and laughed and had a great time..
Our game was between New Zealand and Australia..and was a final…the winner had to play the really expert USA team the next day….and after one of the most cliffhanging game and ending…Australia won….So they went on to play the USA team the last day of the games…
Jean asked me to tell you..that if anyone ever gets a chance to go and watch this sport…DON’T miss it! She even lost her voice calling out encouragement..and also had to strap her hand…cause she clapped so hard she hurt it!!! It was the best!!
But she hasn’t got a picture…cause she had used all her film up…
I fell asleep in the train on the way home from Homebush where Olympic Park is..and we stayed at Blacktown for the night. I dreamt of all I had to tell you and Potchee…
Merle and Jean talked and laughed non stop about it all…so much and so wonderful…
Sunday morning the two ‘girls’ tee hee…Wal laughs when he calls them that..Merle and Jean …..well they went shopping and bought some more for my basket..Jean got some Olympic stuff at Olympic Park too…
this is Wal..and he is trying to get Whitey..the white hen…to come for a biscuit..but Sasha, the Border Collie also wants the biscuit…these two are good friends…
Jean made sure I was safe from Whitey…so I am attached by a safety harness to Wals jumper…see me there?? I was a bit scared…but VERY brave…
I stayed home having a rest…I was tired out still….what a big day..and then we got the train home…and it went all wrong, the trains got all mixed up….tee hee…told you it was an exciting weekend!!!!!!…Jean was thinking she would be home really late…but it all ended up okay…
I am still having a really nice time here in Australia…and I am barking just like an Aussie now….people love me and love my work too..they ask Jean lots of questions when I go out with her…its nice.
Soon I am going to a Lithgow Cancer Support big day out…to celebrate a famous horse race…when I get the pictures I will send some to you..…Jean belongs to this group of people and loves them…and she wanted me to meet them all…but that’s another story……
Bye for now…Rescue Rosie…love you all...
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